Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Hellos advertisers, I know lately i have benn wrtting a lot, sorry but I found things I had to talk about. This time i bring you a piece to check the differences between advertising in europe and in US. Althought is everything similar, the laws allows american advertiser being more provocative, more competitive, and therefore more atractive for the audience wich means more effective.

This ad would be unthinkable in a society like the european. Just becouse of advertising and competitive lowas that forbid that one company makes any reference to their competitors unless it is an objective data ( this beverage contains more natural juice than that os this car  has more cv than that), we as advertisers can not even mention other brands. Since this laws can make retire the whole campaign the agencies doesn´t take the risk so the auto censorship is assured.

It is a shame, becouse as the ad below show us, in a world on every brand has its own personality, lenguage, symbols... establish a conversation or set a message would be easier and could be creativier, if we could use all those elements to communicate our idea to the public. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

Hello advertisers, today i am gonna do a different exercise. I am gonna critizise one terrible communication action instead of flatter the excelenses of another one.

All we know how important it is to manage properly our social networks. Even more important if we are talking about facebook or twitter, the big fishes. So lately, the gigantic Starbucks made a mistake as big as itself when they were trying to promote a happy hour. They propose to their twitter´s followers to share the reason why the were proud to be british. Nothing wrong so far but, it was posted in their account for Ireland... Use this kind of adevertisemente in Ireland, forgeting about the historical conflict between these two countries, is almost like try to sell sovietic technology to US.

It is not necessary to mention that briefly Starbuck´s twitter got full of angry replys, and the economic and sales results for this action are still unknown, but we can be sure they will need to invest a lot if they want to recover their good image in Ireland and probably in every country with sensitivities in this topic.

This mistake, show us how crucial it is to be aware of every single detail about cultures, particularities, tradition, gastronomy... And reflect this knowledge into all our communications, in a way every channel we have, to talk with the consumer consistently

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hello advertisers,

Today is time to talk about great merchandishing. Everybody has an ugly t-shirt from a company that usually use as a pijama or as sport clothe. Why not use this media creatively? I bring to you a way to make the merchandising a real promotional investment intead of being wasted money.

This sample prooves again that if we are creative enough its is relatively cheap to achieve the attention of the general public. Becouse is not just the people working for Fedex who wears these t-shirts, it was a promotional gift for all their clients, which means thousends and thousends of Fedex´s messages spreaded around the world. Messages that the people will not keep or through away but will wear and show to dozens of people, just becouse is original, amusing, even funny, and it attracts our attention, so the brand will have presence in every environment you can imagine, wich means more recognition, wich means sell more, at the end, everything is connected.