prints for this week are the McCafe`s. The competition between Starbucks and
McDonalds during the recession is the reason of creating commercials that
really works.
the four posters makes me picture the brainstorming of creating these commercials
creators have been interested in ,, What
the coffee means for the people?'' And i am sure that one of the answers was
,,a beginning'' - that is the line of the thoughts they followed when they created it : We start
to drink coffee in the morning to wake up, or on the way to work, when we have
to study long hours to prepare for the next exam-
– here it is – we drink coffee in the beginning of something that we need energy and even a courage for-
because in the beginning one of most asked question is ,,will I succeed?’’
that ad does is just telling us that everything is going to be alright . The slogan – ,, Everything good begins with a good cup of
coffee.’’ means exactly this.
this ad sells so good – because of the wide target group – I can imagine people
searching for answers, people who needs compassion after long time of scruple,
people before business meeting – with a lot of good ideas and expectations and
of course a shy girl and insecure boy- all of them with a cup of warm coffee and warming hope.
Na maior parte das vezes, a guerra entre multinacionais tem sempre tradução publicitária. De forma mais ou menos evidente. Neste caso concreto, o ataque ao core business da Starbucks por parte da McDonalds pode parecer descontextualizado, oportunista e até ineficaz. No mercado nacional, certamente que não teria grande sentido: Big Macs na McDonalds, cafés na Starbucks (e em todos os cafés que vendem Delta, Nicola, Sical, etc.).
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