Wednesday, April 4, 2012

This week I bring to you a Lego action, promoting their new resort. Is a perfect sample of how the advertising have to be adapted to the corporative image. They claverly thought we have a powerfull image with some specific caracteristics, why don´t take advantage of them?
Is sorprising becouse we all think that to be notorious  in this overadvertised world, we have to be bigger than the others, but this ads show us how wrong we are. The key is not to be bigger but to be different. In this particular case is even more sorprising becouse they  get the difference being the opposite the audience expect: smaller.
It is true that may be they are loosing some public becouse of the size, but those who get the message will be really impacted by  this billboards. But even with that, they call our atention by an attractive design, and becouse we don´t expect anythinglike that in the streets.

The negative point is external. I mean, this advertising pieces ara really desirable, so probably it will be stoolen  very often, it is a luck the company can produce them and since they are so small, they shouldn´t be too expensives. Even though it is something that has to be calculated in order to know if the ROI satisfy them.

Mario Lerma.

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